Special Events

We are passionate about discipleship… and also FUN!! Check out details below on some of our special events throughout the year

  • Fall Family Kickoff

    What is better than family, fun, and a little bit of competition? Calling all new and old KLIFE families to come and kickoff the school year with us!

  • Middle School Progressive Riot

    2 words- absolute MAYHEM!!! We go all night long from fun event to fun event, from 7 PM until 7 AM.

    Interested? You should be. One of the most legendary nights of the year!!!

  • High School Mystery Trip

    Every fall we take our High School students on the most epic adventure! A weekend trip to an unknown location until we arrive! We spend the days filled with exploring the destination and many fun activities!

  • KLIFE Christmas

    The best way to spread Christmas CHEER is singing loud for all the hear!! Every Christmas season we bring the KLIFE family together to celebrate the reason for the season! We take “sleigh rides” house to house all throughout the Fairway neighborhood singing carols, playing games, and hearing about Jesus’ birth!!

  • Winter Retreat

    Each winter, we take middle school and high school students to Sky Ranch Camps in Van, TX with other Texas based KLIFE chapters to unplug, learn, connect, worship, and play. It’s a highlight of our year!!

  • Silent Chicken Dance

    Come one, come all, and join us for a night of good weather, good dancing, and good chicken!

    Silent Chicken Dance combines everybody's 2 favorite pastimes- a silent disco (dancing to music listened to on wireless headphones) PLUS a buffet of everyone’s favorite version of chicken: the chicken nugget.