What is KLIFE?
KLIFE is a Christian ministry focused on discipleship and fellowship for 6th-12th grade students. Our greatest desire and mission is to point students to Jesus so that they will know Him, love Him, walk in surrender to Him, and be equipped to point others to Him also.
The heartbeat of KLIFE lies in our focus on discipleship. We strive to build strong relationships with students and point them to the truth of God's Word. By “doing life” with students, providing strong mentorship models, and promoting Godly values, we help equip teens to withstand the overwhelming peer influences they face in adolescence.
For every 10 Christians who step foot on a college campus, only 2 walk-off still professing to believe in Jesus. This is a statistic that doesn't sit well with us. Teenagers are walking onto college campuses ill-prepared to defend their faith. The overwhelming common denominator is that for the 2 out of 10, someone intentionally invested in them during their teenage years; someone like a KLIFE small group leader.